"The brook and the valley, 2022. 40x120x12
"Snow on the meadows by the lake, 2022. 40x120x12
"Phuket Sunset, 2022. 40x120x12
"Weg im Gebirge", 2020. 40x120x12
"Drei kleine Hügel", 2018. 40x120x11
"Und dahinten sind Sanddünen", 2016. 100x50x11
"Profil", 2016. 60x80x20
"Flatterschal", 2015. 90x30x20
"Gebirge am Meer", 2015. 30x90x19, Nr. 44
"Morgen und Abend", 2015. 40x120x19, Nr. 45
"Insel im Strom", 2015. 40x120x19, Nr. 40