"ThreeViews"-Objects of Medium Size.

Here you can see works with a maximum height of mostly under 90 cm and/or narrow. Each with four ways of looking at the object.



"Little water barriers ",  40x120, 2022



"The slow flow ",  40x120, 2022



"Snow on the meadows by the lake",  40x120x11, 2022



"Phuket sunset", 40x120x11, 2022



"Bergrücken" ("Mountain ridge"), 40x120x11, 2020



"Weg im Gebirge" ("Path in the mountains"), 40x120x11, 2020



"Drei kleine Hügel" ("Three small hills"), 40x120x11, 2018



"Und dahinten sind Sanddünen" ("And there are sanddunes back there"), 1ß0x50x11, 2016



"Flatterschal" ("Fluttering Scarf"), 90x30x25, 2016



"Profil" ("Profile"), 50x60x20, 2016



"Gebirge am Meer" ("Mountauins by the Sea"), 30x90x20, 2016



"Insel im Strom" ("Island in the Stream"), 40x120x20, 2016



Hier finden Sie die Gipsreliefs in Drei-Sichten:/ Here you will find Dieter List´s studio:

Dieter List
Mölschbacherstraße 15
66482 Zweibrücken-Wattweiler

Nehmen Sie direkt Kontakt
auf: /
Contact the artist directly:

Atelier / Studio:
+49 (0)6332 9177711

mobil  : +49 (0)177 3444630

Home: +49 (0)6841 9733473


oder nutzen Sie bitte das Kontaktformular.

or pls. use the Contact Form.

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