
In his studio in Zweibrücken-Wattweiler, 1 km outside the Saarland in the Palatinate, you can get an impression of the latest works and individual pieces of the plaster relief artist. Stop by, he is always happy to receive visitors!
Here you will find the way to the studio of Dieter List.


The opening hours of the studio are:


Wednesday to Saturday: 15.00 - 18.00

All other dates by appointment


Do you have questions, suggestions, wishes or would you like to arrange a personal appointment with Dieter List? You would like to have a work of art made for you? Then contact the artist directly:

Dieter List

Mölschbacher Straße 15
66482 Zweibrücken-Wattweiler


Telefon mobil: +49 (0)177 3444 630

Telefon Atelier: +49 (0)6332 9177711


Or write an email to the following mail-address:






Hier finden Sie die Gipsreliefs in Drei-Sichten:/ Here you will find Dieter List´s studio:

Dieter List
Mölschbacherstraße 15
66482 Zweibrücken-Wattweiler

Nehmen Sie direkt Kontakt
auf: /
Contact the artist directly:

Atelier / Studio:
+49 (0)6332 9177711

mobil  : +49 (0)177 3444630

Home: +49 (0)6841 9733473


oder nutzen Sie bitte das Kontaktformular.

or pls. use the Contact Form.

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