Impressions from the vernissage:
Impressions from the performance in the gallery of Sabine MIA Groll and Dieter List
The artists let the visitors of the vernissage participate in the creation of their works:
The Vernissage:
Impressions from the Vernissage:
A vernissage on Friday, November 20, 2015 opened an exhibition under the title "Fixierungen" in the gallery of the artist
group "Prisma" in Zweibrücken. The exhibition was on view until February 26, 2016.
In addition to the painter Dorle Frank Dieter List was represented as a guest artist with his threeviews-objects.
The vernissage was extremely well attended and the exhibited works met with great interest.
In the city hall of the city of St. Ingbert, a vernissage on the occasion of the opening of the exhibition with works by Dieter List took place on Sunday, May 17, 2015. The city of St. Ingbert showed up to 10 July in her gallery on the 1st floor of the town hall 29 works by Dieter List. These were exclusively works with plaster. The majority of the works shown were created using the three-view technique.
On Thursday, February 26, 2015, a vernissage took place in the gallery in the forum of the district administration of the
Saarpfalz district in Homburg at 19 o'clock, opening an exhibition with works by Dieter List.
The exhibition lasted until Thursday, April 16, 2015.
The "KunstRausch", the "Art Intoxication" is an art parcours in Einrich (Community of Katzenelnbogen), in the Hochtaunus,
about 30 km north of Wiesbaden, organized by the "Einricher Kunstfreunde, Association for the Promotion of Art and Culture e.V.".
The first "KunstRausch" took place in May 2006. After the great success, the organizers decided to organize the KunstRausch every two years, as in 2008 and in 2010. "Hundreds of artists intoxicated
the senses in these three art events," the organizers said.
The KunstRausch 2013 was again well attended, with glorious weather and a wide range of artistic works.
Here are some photos of Dieter List of this exhibition: