"ThreeViews"-Objects of Mediumlarge Size.

Here you can see works that are close to one square meter or more. Each with four ways of looking at the object.



"Vacation: Sea or Mountains?", 60x120, 2023



"The Thailand colours - beaches and temples", 60x120, 2023



"Two brooks", 60x120, 2023



"The yellowish water flow",  60x120m 2022



"The long river bend",  60x120, 2022



"The valley narrows", 60x120x11, 2022



"A full year in Central Europe 1 and  3", 80x100, 2022 and 2023



"A full year in Central Europe 3", 80x100, 2023



"A full year in Central Europe 1", 80x100, 2022



"French waves", 80x100, 2022



"Montserrat 1 and 2", 2x 80x100, 2021



"Desert Lake", 80x100, 2020



"Starke Bewegung" ("Strong movement"), 80x100, 2019



"Bewegter Sommer" ("Lively summer"), 80x100x11, 2020



"Wandern in den Alpen" ("Hiking in the Alps"), 80x100x11, 2019



"Insel im Watt" ("Island in the Wadden Sea"), 80x100x11, 2018



"Frauentorso" ("woman's torso"), 90x90x19, 2015



Hier finden Sie die Gipsreliefs in Drei-Sichten:/ Here you will find Dieter List´s studio:

Dieter List
Mölschbacherstraße 15
66482 Zweibrücken-Wattweiler

Nehmen Sie direkt Kontakt
auf: /
Contact the artist directly:

Atelier / Studio:
+49 (0)6332 9177711

mobil  : +49 (0)177 3444630

Home: +49 (0)6841 9733473


oder nutzen Sie bitte das Kontaktformular.

or pls. use the Contact Form.

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