On display at the Galerie d'Art Maggy Stein in the Chateau (Palace) were "ThreeViews"-objects of the artist.
Dieter List exhibited at the Paris Art Shopping (France) from October 19 to Ocotber 21 2018
This exhibition took place under the famous Louvre. Dieter List exhibited together with three other artists under the label "Creative Unrest".
Exhibition at the M. Beck Gallery in Homburg (Saar)
from 24 August to 18 September 2018
With the Franco-Italian gallery Monteoliveto Dieter List was at the first ever art fair on the Côte d'Azur. Despite the best weather and holiday season, the fair was
extremely busy and will certainly continue in the future.
List received a large, positive response to his work.
Impressions of the exhibition: