"ThreeViews"-Objects of Small Size.



"Two curved hill ranges", 2024.  40x40



"Little river between two hill ranges", 2023.  40x60x9



"Marseillaise", 2023.  35x35



"Kleiner See im Hinterland", (Little lake in the backland), 2020. 40x60



"Little colourful valley", 2020.  40x60x9



"It´s swinging upwards", 2020.  35x35x9


"Im Sommer draußen" ("Outdoors in the summer"), 40x40x10, 2020


"Lavendelfeld im Herbst" ("Lavender field in autumn"), 40x40x10, 2020


"Der Weg über das Tal" ("The path across tha valley"), 50x50x8, 2019



"Spuren im Wald" ("Traces in the forest"), 50x50x8, 2019



"Winteracker" ("Field in winter"), 40x60x8, 2018



"Waldboden" ("Forest floor"), 30x30x8, 2018



"Pinien am Meer" ("Pine trees neat the Sea"), 35x35x12, 2016



"Kamenjak", 30x30x9, 2016



"Talgrund" ("Valley Floor"), 40x60x20, 2016



"Flammen" ("Flames"), 15x120x7, 2015



"Vulkaninsel" ("Vulcano Island"), 40x60x19, 2015



Hier finden Sie die Gipsreliefs in Drei-Sichten:/ Here you will find Dieter List´s studio:

Dieter List
Mölschbacherstraße 15
66482 Zweibrücken-Wattweiler

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auf: /
Contact the artist directly:

Atelier / Studio:
+49 (0)6332 9177711

mobil  : +49 (0)177 3444630

Home: +49 (0)6841 9733473


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